Complimentary In Person CE Class

Understanding and Selling New Construction #48385

May 31st | Check-in 9:30am

Windrose Green CastleRock Communities Model

Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate #9977


Attend our upcoming free CE class at Windrose Green. This 3-hour elective course is taught by Kathryn C. Wheat. This class is designed to help Realtors confidently and knowledgeably sell in the new construction market. We’ll explain the Builder Perspective, the Building Process, and How to NOT get left behind as well as uncover the secret to attracting the buyers who want to build their dream home!

RSVP today for Understanding and Selling New Construction #48385

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Registration is required to attend the CE course.

Directions & Location

Windrose Green | CastleRock Communities Model Home


Windrose Green Directions